Benjamin's World

Life in the Big City through the eyes of a Little Dog

The place they call Vancouver

Daddy went to Vancouver earlier this year for a “stag party” but Mommy and I hadn’t been and we told him we really wanted to go.  Mommy and Daddy mainly went there to eat at a place called Richmond.  Apparently, there are more Chinese people who live there than even in the San Gabriel Valley, where Daddy lives.  We went to an Asian style night market, Asian malls, and lots of restaurants.

The Night Market was so crowded. It was hard not to get stepped on.

The Night Market was so crowded. It was hard not to get stepped on.

Watch out for the cannibalistic Canadian fries and hot dogs.

Watch out for the cannibalistic Canadian fries and hot dogs.

Daddy and Mommy saw a doggy clothing stall and bought me this ridiculous outfit. I hate it!



We did some sightseeing at Stanley Park. It’s the main park of Vancouver and there were many different areas, including beaches. I thought it was a little chilly for a beach day and Mommy reminded me that this was considered warm for Vancouverites.

The Beach at Stanley Park

The Beach at Stanley Park

We also checked out a long suspension bridge. It shook when people walked on it and I was so scared.  Daddy had to carry me.

Lynn Suspension Bridge. Scary!

Lynn Suspension Bridge. Scary!

By the end, I was ready to go home. But first, we had to drive across the border to Seattle to get on our plane.



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Victoria Island Ferry Adventure

After leaving the Washington Pacific Coast, we headed to Port Angeles to get on a big boat that they call the “ferry.” We left at night before all of the fireworks displays started and sailed away toward Canada in the darkness.  The seats inside the ferry were very comfy and I took a nap. We we arrived, Mommy handed the Canadian immigration/customs’ officer my paperwork and we were approved to drive off.

The Ferry

The Ferry

When we arrived at night, it was hard to see much but there was one beautiful building lit by thousands of lights.  We spent the evening with Grandma’s friend from back when she was in college.

When we woke up, we took a tour of Victoria.  First, we went to Fisherman’s Wharf.

Beautiful Victoria

Next, we went to the Visitor’s center.

We also went to see the famous Butchart Gardens. I expected Daddy to leave me in the car but it turned out to be doggy friendly. Yay! And I was told that I was free (although it’s very expensive for humans).

Butchart Gardens

Butchart Gardens

Butchart Gardens fountains

Butchart Gardens fountains

Before heading to our next ferry, Mommy and Daddy stopped for a drink at Sea Cider.  Those ciders looked very pretty but Mommy and Daddy didn’t think they tasted very good.

Sea Cider Farm & Ciderhouse Sampler

Sea Cider Farm & Ciderhouse Sampler

We left Victoria on an even bigger ferry than we took when we got there.  This one had multiple levels and many lanes of cars.  There were also many restaurants and lounges and Mommy enjoyed the open deck at the top while Daddy and I napped in the car and played with the other doggies on at the pet area.

An Even Bigger Boat

An Even Bigger Boat

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My first 4th of July

I heard that the 4th of July is a big holiday in America to celebrate the birthday of our country.  I was looking forward to seeing the fireworks and celebration but Mommy had other plans in mind. She wanted to go to Canada.  We took a plane to Seattle and then drove around to see the beautiful Washington coast and the Olympic National Park. It was the first national park I have ever been and it was way bigger than I expected. I thought it would be like the dog parks that my parents take me to or the bigger parks where we go hiking sometimes but this park was humongous. We drove around for hours and we were still in it. I was worried that we’d never get out. We stopped by Ruby Beach and there were lots of other doggies to play with.

Family photo

Family photo

So puuurrty

So puuurrty

Mommy and me at the beach

Mommy and me at the beach

I thought the beach would be full of sand but there were lots of little rocks and they hurt my feet and Mommy’s feet.



A little pond by the beach. It was yummy freshwater.

A little pond by the beach. It was yummy freshwater.

We also went to Hoh Rain Forest, one of the only rain forests in North America.  The official rules of the park said that puppies aren’t allowed to go but I got to see it from the car. There were lots of big trees and it was humid and mossy.

Hoh Rain Forest

Hoh Rain Forest

Daddy wanted to take Mommy and me to the Northwestern most point of the contiguous (big word, right?) United States.  It’s called Cape Flattery by Neah Bay and it was very flattering indeed.  To get from the parking lot to the pretty view, we had to take a hike down a wooden path. I was scared my feet would get stuck between the wooden boards but I made it!

The Cape

The Cape

Wooden path that to the Cape

Wooden path that to the Cape

Since it was the 4th of July, we decided to celebrate by buying some small firecrackers to light. Daddy only had one small pack of free matches from the gas station and because it was so windy, he ended up not being able to light them all before he ran out.

Loud fire crackers

Loud fire crackers

We found a crab on the beach who was also celebrating the 4th of July. I wanted to play with him but he just wanted to walk away sideways.  That’s when Daddy picked him up and tried to eat him!

A crab?

A crab?

Daddy wanted to eat my crab buddy.

Daddy wanted to eat my crab buddy.

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