Benjamin's World

Life in the Big City through the eyes of a Little Dog

The place they call Vancouver

on August 19, 2013

Daddy went to Vancouver earlier this year for a “stag party” but Mommy and I hadn’t been and we told him we really wanted to go.  Mommy and Daddy mainly went there to eat at a place called Richmond.  Apparently, there are more Chinese people who live there than even in the San Gabriel Valley, where Daddy lives.  We went to an Asian style night market, Asian malls, and lots of restaurants.

The Night Market was so crowded. It was hard not to get stepped on.

The Night Market was so crowded. It was hard not to get stepped on.

Watch out for the cannibalistic Canadian fries and hot dogs.

Watch out for the cannibalistic Canadian fries and hot dogs.

Daddy and Mommy saw a doggy clothing stall and bought me this ridiculous outfit. I hate it!



We did some sightseeing at Stanley Park. It’s the main park of Vancouver and there were many different areas, including beaches. I thought it was a little chilly for a beach day and Mommy reminded me that this was considered warm for Vancouverites.

The Beach at Stanley Park

The Beach at Stanley Park

We also checked out a long suspension bridge. It shook when people walked on it and I was so scared.  Daddy had to carry me.

Lynn Suspension Bridge. Scary!

Lynn Suspension Bridge. Scary!

By the end, I was ready to go home. But first, we had to drive across the border to Seattle to get on our plane.



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